Jackie, a woman with long light hair in a navy blue shirt, smiling

Jackie Ritter

General manager

Jackie oversees the project landscape and makes informed staffing decisions for each new engagement. With her well-rounded knowledge of project management practices, she advocates for the client experience, emphasizing honest and open communication throughout the project. Her role as GM balances Pixo's objectives with what's best for the scope and project goals, ensuring healthy projects and empowered clients.


  • BA, Architectural studies, University of Illinois Chicago

Work Experience

  • General manager, Pixo, 2023-Present
  • PM director, Pixo, 2023-2023
  • Project manager & project engineer, O'Shea Builders, 2019-2023
  • Design manager, project manager, PMO manager, Taylor Studios Museum Exhibit Design & Fabrication, 2011-2019