Natalie Semczuk, a woman with brown hair, wearing a black shirt, standing against a brick wall and smiling

Natalie Semczuk

Director of project management

As Pixo’s Director of Project Management, Natalie guides the Project Management department while also consulting on active projects. She joined the team in 2025 with more than 12 years of agency experience in project management, and has experience running hundreds of diverse, complex projects end-to-end. Natalie enjoys building long-term relationships with clients and bridging the gaps between strategic planning and actual implementation of work. Her ultimate goal is to empower project teams to realize their full potential—on both the client- and agency-side.

She holds a PMI-ACP (Agile Certified Practitioner) certification and has been an active member and contributor of both the Bureau of Digital and The Digital Project Manager communities for many years.

Natalie is based in Upstate NY. Prior to moving back to NY, she spent many years living across the southwest US, where she also worked farmers’ markets for a world-renowned sourdough bakery in Phoenix. These days, Natalie enjoys gardening, crossword puzzles, investigative podcasts, and nearly all reality TV shows in her personal time. Natalie is also proudly Ukrainian. 🇺🇦


  • M.S, Science, Technology, & Society Studies (thesis: Social impact of web-based technology), Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
  • B.S, Science, Technology, & Society Studies , Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
  • B.S, Electronic Media, Arts, & Communication , Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute